What will the future internet look like? -- ScienceDaily

What Will the Internet Be Like in the Next 50 Years? Nov 01, 2019 This is the future of the internet | World Economic Forum The growing scrutiny of internet companies might prove to be more than just a speed bump on the otherwise relatively unregulated internet highway. It’s more likely that new regulatory actions will have profound consequences for the future of the internet as we know it. 15 predictions for the future of the Internet | PBS NewsHour Information sharing over the Internet will be so effortlessly interwoven into daily life that it will …

The Future of the Internet - 7 Big Predictions of 2020

The Future of Internetworking. Browsing through the orginal WWW proposal reveals an irony very characteristic to the development of the Internet, in the face of it's author's assertion that "the project will not aim to do research into fancy multimedia facilities such as sound and video." Online technology giant introduces new platform for the internet of the future based on $5 billion of investment in areas covering silicon, optics and software bringing the ability to support

Berners-Lee believes the Internet must be open, free and accessible to all, and that also goes for the Internet of Things (IoT). With eager anticipation, he views the progression of the Web from a network of information (Web 1.0) to a network of people (Web 2.0/Social Media) and now to a network of things (Web 3.0/IoT).

10G is the broadband technology platform of the future that will deliver residential internet speeds of 10 gigabits per second – 10 times faster than today’s networks.