A Chrome OS egy könnyűsúlyú, nyílt forráskódú számítógépes operációs rendszer, amit a Google Inc. fejleszt, internet-alapú alkalmazások futtatására. A Google 2009. július 7-én jelentette be a Chrome OS-t, majd ugyanazon év novemberében nyílt forráskódúvá tette, Chromium OS néven.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Chromium OS is a free and open-source operating system designed for running web applications and browsing the World Wide Web. It is the development version of Chrome OS, a Linux distribution made by Google. Google Chrome is a cross-platform web browser developed by Google. It was first released in 2008 for Microsoft Windows, and was later ported to Linux, macOS, iOS, and Android where it is the default browser built into the OS. The browser is also the main component of Chrome OS, where it serves as the platform for web applications. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A Chromebook is a laptop or tablet running the Linux -based Chrome OS as its operating system. The devices are primarily used to perform a variety of tasks using the Google Chrome browser, with most applications and data residing in the cloud rather than on the machine itself. Google Chrome OS 21.0.1172.0 (platforma 2430.0.0) duke demonstruar Aura window manager, kutinë e ridizajnuar të aplikacioneve si dhe shtyllën e kërkimit për hapjen e URL-ve pa nevojë të hapjes së dritareve të reja.

Chromium é um projeto de navegador web de código aberto desenvolvido pela Google, no qual o Google Chrome baseia o seu código-fonte. [6] Os navegadores compartilham a maior parte do código-fonte e recursos, mas há algumas diferenças menores em recursos e ambos possuem licenças distintas.

Chrome OS is a Linux kernel -based operating system designed by Google. It is derived from the free software Chromium OS and uses the Google Chrome web browser as its principal user interface. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Chromium OS is a free and open-source operating system designed for running web applications and browsing the World Wide Web. It is the development version of Chrome OS, a Linux distribution made by Google. Google Chrome is a cross-platform web browser developed by Google. It was first released in 2008 for Microsoft Windows, and was later ported to Linux, macOS, iOS, and Android where it is the default browser built into the OS. The browser is also the main component of Chrome OS, where it serves as the platform for web applications. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A Chromebook is a laptop or tablet running the Linux -based Chrome OS as its operating system. The devices are primarily used to perform a variety of tasks using the Google Chrome browser, with most applications and data residing in the cloud rather than on the machine itself.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Chromium OS is a free and open-source operating system designed for running web applications and browsing the World Wide Web. It is the development version of Chrome OS, a Linux distribution made by Google.

Chrome OS, ՕՀ Google ընկերության կողմից, նախատեսված է ARM կամ x86 պրոցեսորների համար ։ Google Chrome OS-ն հիմնված է Gentoo GNU/Linux և օգտագործում է Google Chrome դիտարկիչ, որը աշխատում է հատուկ մշակված պատուհանային համակարգում ։ Համակարգի աղբյուրի Google Chrome OS je v informatice název operačního systému společnosti Google, který je zaměřen především na práci s webem.Je založen na Gentoo a jeho základními komponentami jsou linuxové jádro, webový prohlížeč Google Chrome a vrstva systému Android, která umožňuje využití Google Play obchodu a většiny přes něj dostupných aplikací. Chrome OS is a project by Google to develop a light computer operating system. It is devoted to using the World Wide Web . [3] The operating system was announced on July 7, 2009, and it is based on Google's Chrome web browser as it visually similar, and the Linux kernel . Feb 13, 2020 · Chrome OS is designed as an operating system for computers that are only used for connecting to the internet. This means that Chrome OS is usually used for web browsing, streaming video and music, and online document editing. It's also possible to access an existing iTunes library with a Chrome plugin. Chrome OS – operacinė sistema, kuriama „Google“ kompanijos, orientuota į internetinių programų naudojimą. Tai bus atvirojo kodo sistema, iš pradžių skirta mažiesiems nešiojamiesiems kompiuteriams.