The official web site of the PGA TOUR. Providing the only Real-Time Live Scoring for the PGA TOUR, Champions Tour and Korn Ferry Tour. Home of official PGA TOUR news, stats, video, player profiles

Augusta National Golf Club, the European Tour, LPGA, PGA of America, PGA Tour, R&A and USGA issued a joint statement on Monday, outlining the framework for golf to eventually be played in 2020. The United States Golf Association conducts the U.S. Open, U.S. Women’s Open and 12 other championships. The USGA oversees golf rules, handicapping and other functions, as well as sustainable golf course management practices. The 2020 Masters - Get all the Masters information you need. Follow your favorite player at for up-to-the-minute leaderboard, individual scores, highlights, player and tournament information for the 2020 Masters. The U.S. Open, Masters and PGA Championship have been rescheduled, while the British Open has been canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic FOX Sports Apr 6, 2020 at 2:57p ET Mossy Creek Mini Golf holds Tennessee State Open, August 29, 2020! 1st Place-$600, 2nd Place-$350, Third-$250 with payouts to top 10. Registration and More Information Here. Fee to Enter: Pro Competing 6 Rounds ($55) & Amateur Competing 3 Rounds ($3 5) Tournament Schedule. 7:00AM-Check-Ins, & Practice 8:45AM-Rules Meeting for Competitors

Brooks Koepka ahead of 3M Open in Minneapolis: ‘It’s pathetic what happened’ to George Floyd. The PGA Tour is in the Minneapolis area this week for the 3M Open, which marks the first major

The Masters Films on ESPN+; A collection unlike any other. Relive nearly 60 years of history at Augusta National Golf Club with one-hour recaps of each Masters Tournament from 1960 to 2019. The The Masters Tournament is a golf competition that was established in 1934, with Horton Smith winning the inaugural tournament. The Masters is the first of four major championships to be played each year, with the final round of the Masters always being scheduled for the second Sunday in April.

Apr 06, 2020 · Most notable in a lengthy scheduling bulletin from golf bodies in the United States was a new Masters proposal. Augusta National typically hosts the year’s first major in early April.

Augusta National Golf Club, the European Tour, LPGA, PGA of America, PGA Tour, R&A and USGA issued a joint statement on Monday, outlining the framework for golf to eventually be played in 2020. The United States Golf Association conducts the U.S. Open, U.S. Women’s Open and 12 other championships. The USGA oversees golf rules, handicapping and other functions, as well as sustainable golf course management practices. The 2020 Masters - Get all the Masters information you need. Follow your favorite player at for up-to-the-minute leaderboard, individual scores, highlights, player and tournament information for the 2020 Masters. The U.S. Open, Masters and PGA Championship have been rescheduled, while the British Open has been canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic FOX Sports Apr 6, 2020 at 2:57p ET Mossy Creek Mini Golf holds Tennessee State Open, August 29, 2020! 1st Place-$600, 2nd Place-$350, Third-$250 with payouts to top 10. Registration and More Information Here. Fee to Enter: Pro Competing 6 Rounds ($55) & Amateur Competing 3 Rounds ($3 5) Tournament Schedule. 7:00AM-Check-Ins, & Practice 8:45AM-Rules Meeting for Competitors